“My dream is to leave something behind me at the end of this journey, a small reminder … a sign that witnesses my transition. Something that remains in the minds and hearts of those who knew me, something that really worth to be lived. “
(I Ratti Della Sabina, Il sogno del menestrello)
This Association has been established on April 24th 2009 and named “I bambini di Antonio’s children”.
The Association was founded following the will of Antonio’s parents, Piero Gallo and Anna Tamburrano, to keep alive the memory of their only child Antonio Maria Gallo who, at the age of eighteen, prematurely left this world due to a car accident, and the memory of all those young lifes lost precociously.
Antonio was a bright young man who was living the best time of his life, just graduated and approacching the new experience of university life in Bologna, in love and happy, full of dreams and projects for the future. Right before 5am in the morning, on July 22nd 2005 he flew away without realising it.
The Association charter clearly states the “without politic, religious or racial discrimination, and no profit” nature, which only goal is the charity (understood as a “social justice” issue) and the pursuit of social solidarity.
The Association project is based on the idea to provide a REAL development opportunity to the very poor people of Nakaseke district, in UGANDA (Africa), with a strong focus on CHILDREN, the future of the world.
The first goal is to guarantee all the children of Kapeela a chance to go to school, in order to provide them with a complete school educational background; afterwards to provide them a DIRECT and CONCRETE support to the family of the poorest children; at the end support the whole village to improve their economic and social daily conditions.
Antonio’s parents have already contributed, with their own funds, to build a nursery and a primary school named after Antonio Maria Gallo, in Kuffu village, completely furnished and already functioning since September 2008; at the same time , in the same village, a new artesiano well has been build up thanks to the funds collected among Rodi, Vico, Peschici and other cities near Gargano. The same people form these cities are strongly contribuiting to the “distance adoption project” especially for the children of the community. The number of these adoptions is sharply increasing.
The Association keeps a direct contact with the community through periodical trips to Uganda. After a first experience with the “ Consolata Mission Institute of Turin”, Father Peter Ssemwezi and Father Leo Baghenda who directly managed some missions in Uganda, the Association has become independent in the management of funds and offerings. It operates directly and works with the “Association of parents and teachers”, with local leaders and with the support of the Diocese of Kasana Luweero, Rev. Paul Ssemogerere.
The Association is a democratic and transparent organization , for this reason anyone can take part to the meetings, whose dates will be communicated later on, in order to discuss new projects.